It's time for the closing bell (Friday Edition)

Disclaimer: While I have passed the series 7 and series 63 at one point in my career, anything contained on this blog is for entertainment purposes only. Nothing here constitutes real financial advice, I do not recommend engaging in any of the strategies outlined in this blog or endorse any investing stratgies otherwise, other than building a diversified portfolio which is what I am going to attempt to do here $5 at a time.

It was yet another eventful day on the street as stocks went a tumbling yet again. The Dow tumbled 503 or 1.43%, the real S&P slipped 85 points or 1.9%, and the Naz was off 394 or 2.78%.

In the portfolio, we added a stock that was on a fire sale due to cash flow concerns. Goodyear Tire and Rubber ticker (GT) was added to the garbage pile today as it stumbled to 15.78 to close down 5.96 or 27.44%. I made my buy early in the sell off so my position is currently hovering near the double down point of 10%. Nearly every stock in the garbage pile is currently underwater, only defensive positions Clorox and Molson Coors (I guess switching to the banquet is paying off after all) are still in the black.

I would love to grow my audience and I can't do it without my readers, here is where I am going to ask for your help. If you send me $5 on Cash App along with the position you would like to get added to the index, I will thank you tremendously and obviously add the position to the portfolio. You can send your ideas to $sassandp500 on cash app. Comment in the send where you would like to see your pledge invested.

While this was meant to make fun of people who take investments seriously, I do actually have some good money habits (for a Millenial Elder Statesman) and apps that I use to help execute them, if I were to post actual educational content is that something that readers would be interested in? I can write a post that explains some of the positive habits that I have developed and that my readers can too!! I do read your comments if you arrived here off of facebook and comment there or if you're an organic reader, let me know what you think. What kinds of content would you like to know more about? Are there questions that you have about financial markets but were too afraid to ask them, ask Sassy, I might not know but I love a good research project.

In garbage pile news:

Billionaire conservative boogey man George Soros purchased a stake in Rivian" target="_blank

Molson Coors teams up with Coca Cola to create new line of beverages to cater to a new set of binge drinkers and blackout drunks

Shake Shack and Door Dash joined forces and decided to win over the hearts of divorced dads everywhere and create a dating app just in time for valentines day. They had me at pussy, but I'm staying for free chicken.,Shake%20Shack%20Started%20a%20Dating%20Site%20That%20Gives%20You%20a,order%20will%20still%20show%20up.&text=Eating%20and%20bonding%20are%20intrinsically%20tied%20together

I'm officially out of fucks to give for the week, I'll see everyone on Monday. Have a great weekend, enjoy the Super Bowl, and I mean no disrespect to my one fan from Cincinati and my other fan from Los Angeles, but I sincerely hope that the halftime show is amazing and that there will be tons of awesome commercials. Don't buy crypto, I hope your Super Bowl and Olympic Hockey parlay hits, stay safe, drink lots of beer, I love you!


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